Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Process and Collaboration

What does your art mean to you? Why do you do it? How do you approach it? What is your process? These are questions we as artists ask ourselves all of the time, for me almost every day. One great thing about CORE is that we get to explore these questions with every workshop, class, and new project. Process is constantly being examined. This week is no exception.

We continued working with Sue today. Yesterday, we listened to a wonderful, thought-provoking story. We then wrote for several minutes, chose words from those stream-of-consciousness writings, and lived with those words, moved around, walked with them inside our heads. Continuing with the words and the movement today, we also brought in objects from nature and arranged them around the studio. Like these objects, we are all very different. We differ in how we move, where we come from, how we view the world, and on and on. We are different, but we come together to form images, movement, and art. We all bring our individuality to the process and the creation, and hopefully people see the beauty that is us and our collaboration. By arranging our objects in different locations and different arrangements, we could still see the beauty in each one, no matter how it was presented. We could also still see our individuality in each one. Take a look at the photos and decide for yourselves which arrangement belongs to which person in the company. You can also try to guess which object was brought in by which dancer.


greenwitchgirl said...

This is lovely. I see represented Earth and Water. The Earth is deep and grounding, Water flowing and musical...all traits that you Dancers feel and use. I try to walk barefoot every morning in the wet grass, which is grounding, and I feel the dew (water) bathing my feet. I dance through my day in my own way, as do all of you.

Ramonita said...

This is great!

Boomika said...

Thanks a lot for your help on this. I look forward to reading more articles from you!

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