Core Performance Company is hard at work, though I almost want to say, "hard at play!" We are working on a play, a dance, a piece called "The Heart of the Matter." It was performed last season in Arkansas, and we are lucky enough to be welcomed back to Conway, AR with this show. We are all tirelessly learning and relearning our parts. Though I have to say, while it is quite the brain work to dance and say our lines and move props, it is also a lot of fun! The piece touches on eating disorders, bullying and how we deal with these issues by making healthy choices for our heart, mind, and body.

Heart of the Matter is a show for elementary aged kids. It allows the audience to help our characters solve problems that arise in the play. Some of these characters include Tummy, Heart, and Mind. These three make up a part of another character known as Body and they each have important tasks that keep Body happy and healthy. Body's choices also affect her three counterparts and she must make healthy decisions to keep them healthy and happy too. This show may be geared towards kids, but I find it just as silly, fun, and enlightening for adults. All of us are looking forward to this next adventure in our 2012-2013 season. On with the shows!